In Pilots' Life, this Communication Code is necessary and vital for pilots to master it. Why? Firstly, in radio telephony (RT), this is important for representing information such as Aerodrome Terminal Information Service (ATIS), Radio Beacon Identification such as VHF Omni-Directional Range (VOR) ,Instrument Landing System (ILS) and Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) identification. For example, Langkawi island has a VOR situated behind of Runway 21, which has an identification of VPL. Normally, pilots will call the station Victor Papa Lima instead of VPL.
Secondly, in RT, communication is difficult. Therefore a careful and clear presentation is necessary for a pilot. Some pilots may confused over some words and it's more difficult when they are in busy airspace.
So, the below is the list of International Communication Code. Let's MASTER IT.
A- Alpha
B- Bravo
C- Charlie
D- Delta
E- Echo
F- Foxtrot
G- Golf
H- Hotel
I- India
J- Juliet
K- Kilo
L- Lima
M- Mike
N- November
O- Oscar
P- Papa
Q- Quebec
R- Romeo
S- Sierra
T- Tango
U- Uniform
V- Victor
W- Whiskey
X- X-ray
Y- Yankee
Z- Zulu
This is the International Communication Code. Remember, Practice Makes Perfect :)